Wednesday, May 7, 2008

And the Campaign Continues...

It looks like the democratic primary race is over. After last night's overwhelming win in North Carolina and surprising close contest in Indiana for Obama, it looks increasingly difficult for Clinton to convince people why she is still running.

Oh..what a difference a week makes. April 28 was only last week but it feels like ages ago. That was the day Obama got hit by a one-two punch. First, his former pastor dominated the airwaves with his offensive rant. The same day brought news that Hillary had decided to join McCain in calling for a summer gas tax holiday, sure to be popular with voters angry about high costs at the pump. But in the end Obama seems to have come out on top as he took a more rational principal stand on the gas tax issue backed by the countries economists and made Clinton look like a political opportunist as she aligned with McCain.

Well, with only 6 contests remaining and a reducing pool of voters to help Clinton, there are potentially no more game changers left to turn the tide in her favor. Last night's results were decisive on their own: They offered Clinton her last, best chance to turn the tables on her rival, and she didn't even come close. To be sure, Obama is still struggling to win some demographic groups, notably blue-collar white voters, who are a key component of the Democratic base.

The pressure is on Clinton now to convince the super-delegates, who are the only ones who can change the game, why she is better than Obama. With a lead in pledged delages, popular votes, number of states won and caucuses, Obama seems too close to the finish line not to win the nomination. And last nights results diminished Clinton's rationale for urging Democratic superdelegates to override all his leads and give the nomination to her.

Well, the campaigns may continue, however it looks like the contest is over!!

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