Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Hand of God

5 years to the day...57 today

Wondering how it would have been to have you with us
Wondering how you would have grown older
Wondering how our lives would have changed if you were there
Wondering how happy we would have all been together

Thinking of you

Obama - The Confused Schoolboy

Obama looks like a badly distracted schoolboy. There are so many things on his "To Do" list and he increasingly looks lost all the time like a school kid who has taken on one too many classes.From healthcare to the public option, from unemployment to the economy, from immigration to the twin wars, from Iran to North Korea, from education to regulatory reforms, from domestic security to global warming and the list goes on and on. One would think that Obama has no time to even sleep tackling all these issues, but you guessed wrong. He even took a day off to go and campaign for Chicago for the Olympics (well, we know how it went by now).

Frankly, Obama is starting to bring back memories of Bush for me. The former president was so distracted that he took off on vacation whenever he had to deal with something (Bush spent 1020 days - 35% of his presidency on vacation). With Obama it’s starting to look the same now. We don’t see him in public often anymore and no one knows what he is up to. It’s going to be a year and the president has literally done nothing except talk or he really has to rethink his communication strategy to the American people.

As a presidential candidate, Obama spoke a good game on resolving the war situation and often referred to Afghanistan as “the forgotten war.” He wasn’t just talking about strategy, though he made it clear in no uncertain terms that he believed the Bush administration had badly mishandled both Iraq and Afghanistan. But now, almost after a year and the war situation is just getting worse. Public anxiety over the war is increasing by the day as the casualty count rises. And what is more dangerous is that the White House’s deliberation in not knowing what to do is playing out against a backdrop of scary pictures of life on the ground there. Looks like things have gotten worse. Where is the change?

Iran and North Korea are freely testing missiles and showcasing their nuclear technology. Heck, Iran even has a second secret nuclear facility and is dangerously coming close to declaring itself as a nuclear power. While Obama has been saying he is open to talking to Iran, they are busy testing missiles and upgrading their military. Looks like things have gotten worse. Where is the change?

Healthcare is becoming another disaster. People are confused, Lobbyists are winning and the democrats seem to be a losing the battle against republicans. Even with a democratic supermajority, it looks doubtful if any meangful and real healthcare "reform" will be passed at all....umm..Where is the change?

Immigration Reform - president said that he expects that after completing work on health care, energy and financial regulation, to draft immigration bills this year. He said plans to get the the measures passed in 2010. While nothing is being done, illegal immigration is on the rise and as strange as it may sound, it is getting more difficult to come here legally.

Educational Reform - A new education reform was announced about 6 months back. Now with all the stimulus money being spent, here we are with nothing to show. He has taken a politically promising stance, by promising to work with teachers, promoting pre-kindergarten education, grants etc.. he has spoken a great game and has clearly avoided any concrete proposals – not exactly a promising sign that real change is coming anywhere soon.

Climate change - during his UN speech Obama said his administration is "determined" to do more to address the nation's climate change obligations. But left out of the speech was the political reality the president faces in trying to keep that promise. While the House passed a sweeping climate change bill this year, it has stalled in the Senate as health care reform dominates the domestic agenda. Powerless to do anything right now, rest assured, no change is coming on this front

I am not even going to mention the ACORN mess and bad publicity Obama has been linked to. The recent videos showing some of ACORNS's workers advising people how to set up a prostitution business is def beating up his image. One up...the voter registration fraud they were accused of last year. Though Obama has no direct involvement, the fact that they are one of his biggest supporters certainly won’t go down well with the people.

What is surprising me is he is putting off making real decisions that may actually have positive impacts. There are so many czars in his administration that no one knows what the other is doing and the public is frankly clueless. He may have a talent for giving soul stirring speeches whenever his ratings fall, but he seems to be all over the place from government meddling in the housing market to the auto industry to the financial markets to the banks to the never ending Fed printing presses, to the educational reform attempts to the bailouts.

Obama needs to GET OUT of the business of business. The government needs to be the referee, not another player... and its time to actually make some changes, especially with the elections coming around next year. If Democrats lose control, forget it, the only change that is going to happen in Washington is Obama going from a president to a lame duck president.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Yoga, Indian v/s Irish Style

and here is the Irish style........... with no props!!!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Election Time…oops, Its Entertainment Time

I confess. The more I have been reading about the elections and the news, the more entertained I am. The media is equally to blame too I guess as they have been really sensationalizing the non-stop political drama like crazy. I am actually amazed to see how low Indian politics can actually go.

India is probably at the most crucial juncture with so much uncertainty all over the country which is in the midst of a recessionary cycle affecting the jobs and lives of millions. Just at a time when we really need a strong and honest government, it looks like we are getting ready to vote in the weakest leaders who will provide the worst governance ever after Independence.

Some of the more amusing things that have happened:
  • Shoe throwing has suddenly become a sport (ask P.Chidamabaram, Jindal and Advani) - India's politicians are now so fearful of shoes being hurled at them that they have asked for more security and are erecting metal nets at rallies.
  • Candidates declaring their wealth. Some of the candidates has really flabbergasted me (BSP candidate has just declared assets of 600 crores)
  • Every party leader has to say something on the national news everyday
  • Varun Gandhi saga – where do I even begin
  • SP wanting to ban English and computers
  • Karat who talks against corruption is joining hands with Mayawati and Jayalalitha who are the epitome of corruption in this country
  • Budiya-Gudiya exchange between Modi and Priyanka
  • Barrage of filmstars suddenly standing for elections – Does anyone really want Sanjay Dutt or Govinda to be a leader of the country?
  • PM –Advani exchange – will you guys stop it already
  • TDP’s free cash and TV schemes
We have only two parties at present in India with an all-India presence - the BJP and the Congress. Suddenly it looks like a 3-way race with a third front emerging. But we already know that the third front has no policy, except to oppose the Congress, BJP and America. History has already taught us a disastrous lesson when he third front came to power at the center the last time. Remember that It was during the third front experiment that we had 4 PMs in 4 years!! To make matters worse (or entertaining.. I don’t know the difference anymore), all of a sudden, there is talk of a fourth front comprising SP, LJP and RJD.
I am not against regional parties. I feel they have a role in our democracy - a regional role. At present, it looks like every regional party wants to be a national party and every regional leader suddenly has become a horse trader. Armed with just 5-6 seats, they are becoming or trying to be the king-makers. Even for getting admission into an ordinary MBA institute, we have debates and group discussions, but sadly when it comes to our leaders, there seems to be absolutely no criteria at all. Anyone and everyone can be a leader in India (criminals are welcome as well)
The only way Indian can build on the momentum it has seen in the last 4-5 years is if and only if a single party is elected with majority at the center. Exactly what will happen when India’s 714 million eligible voters head to the polls in the world’s biggest exercise in democracy is difficult to forecast, this year even more than in the past as it looks like the next government will pretty much be stitched together only after the results are announced. But it is sadder to see every other self proclaimed leader making a mockery of the entire country.

Only in India…Democrazy is FAR the people (before polls), BUY the people (during polls) and OFF the people (after polls).

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

24 - Simply Superb!!

What else can I say? After watching 18 episodes of Season 7, I am already ready to give my verdict to Jack Bauer and the rest of the 24 crew even before the season ends. Simply Superb guys!!

This season has been THE season to watch and it has so far outdone all its predecessors easily. Every episode has so many twists and turns with the right mix of action and suspense. The drama has consistently increased every single week and easily keeps you on edge wondering what will happen next. One of the other striking factors this season I loved, different from the previous ones, is that the story has been really built and revolves around the entire cast of 24 and not just Jack. Heck, Jack was even made to sit out a couple of episodes when Tony and Larry took over all the action and spotlight. But having Jack out of the field, was a good change of pace and refreshing.

While we have had to bid adieu to many lovable characters, Tony killing Larry was a bit disturbing to me (undoubtedly the most shocking twists of the season so far) as I always thought Tony is one of the good guys and was also really hoping Larry would be back the next season. With Larry gone, a Jack and Renee hookup seems inevitable (since she is already confirmed in Season 8 set in New York). As of now, it looks like a Jack and Tony showdown all the way to the end, unless something changes next episode (Which I am sure it will:) It is also interesting to see Jacks daughter back, but the father-daughter relationship probably won’t create much interest this time as I think the sole purpose of bringing her back is to save Jacks life. (Since season 8 has already been confirmed). There are still tons of questions which am sure will be answered in the coming episodes. But as of now, the writers and Kiefer Sutherland got us exactly where they want us.. Totally hooked and wanting for more.
This season is a phenomenal comeback for 24. (The ratings speak for themselves)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Thomas Friedman & Nandan Nilekani

This week, Nandan Nilekani visited New York as a part of his book tour. In his book, Imaging India, the Indian entrepreneur tries to trace the central ideas that shaped India's past and present and asks the key question of the future of India and its role as a global citizen and emerging economic giant: How will India as a global power avoid the mistakes of earlier development models?

One of my friends had extra tickets to see Thomas Friedman interview Nanadan on his new book, and I immediately jumped at the offer. The interview took place at the New York public library and I must say it was certainly a very interesting conversation. They spoke on a wide variety of topics including corruption, politics, economy, caste, Infosys (Of course!!!) and the next generation Indians making their mark around the world. Thomas Friedman has a very good sense of humor and it felt good being Indian and to see Nandan not only answering all the questions with the same humor but also bringing out the truth in each of his answers as to the true state of affairs in India. He really gave a good insight into India (without any of the hype and BS) and had the whole audience engrossed from start to finish. The most interesting conversation (I thought) was about global warming and how India and China are being blamed.

Good to see we have a new Global Ambassador to India who is making the rounds.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Interesting - Market Stats!!

There has been a lot of talk regarding the performance of the Dow Jones (DJIA) so far during Obama's term. Many said that his election would bring about a new sense of hope in the American psyche...I guess the markets disagreed.

Through yesterday's close, the DJIA's performance during President Obama's first 41 days in office is the worst of any President since at least 1900.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Kanda Sashti Kavacham

Beautiful song on Lord Muruga!