Thursday, November 6, 2008


I must admit, being a conservative and a supporter of Bush so far, Obama certainly grabbed my attention ever since he began his run for presidency. The way he ran his campaign was admirable and he never hit anyone below the belt. He always emphasized on hope and made the country feel inclusive in all his messages. I stayed up watching TV and when the winner was revealed, it was certainly a profound moment. Given the history of the country and where we have come, I was reassured that the American Dream is real and alive.

I guess the over-whelming reason Barack won is because the whole country wants someone to desperately restart the country, from the economy to the living standards, from education to health care and of course the foreign policy - everything appears to be currently broken. The country gave a clear mandate as they see in Obama what they wanted to see - Hope. No one trusts Bush anymore (even me) and the republicans were sent packing as they should have been. To Obamas credit, he had perfect execution of most of his themes and he hammered a home-run with his campaign’s ground game. McCain and Palin..Well, I won’t go there but after she shopped for $150k, I knew it was totally over for both of them.

People have voted for change - What change Obama can bring and the direction of the change remains to be seen. I will pray he is a successful president as America really needs a new direction.

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