Okay, here's what caught my eye during season 3 of Celebrity Apprentice - Guv Blago. He just completely cracked me up! If Blago hoped to reform his criminal image by appearing on Celebrity Apprentice, it did not exactly work out that way. Reality TV is all about entertainment and Rod Blagojevich may just be the biggest buffoon in reality TV history. He just walked around as clueless as clueless can be with his goofy grin on. Ignorance must truly be bliss because this guy seemingly has no skills whatsoever and is caught up in a huge political scandal, yet walks around like he just ate up a huge bowl of sunshine. What surprised me is how Trump constantly promoted him and kept complementing him at every opportunity he got about how tough the Gov is. I wonder what the voters of Illinois — especially the ones that voted for him — think when they see how incompetent he is.
But I absolutely do not hate on Blago. Because all I want on a Sunday night from TV is to be entertained and as far as that goes, oh boy, he was the most entertaining person I have seen in years. And after watching the last few episodes without Blago, I am definitely not getting much laughs anymore on Sunday night. And in the defense of Blago as a goofball and reality TV superstar, I would like to present the following exhibits into evidence:
Exhibit A: I was honestly shocked at his Computer Skills. I don't know what was more awesome, the fact that he did not know how to turn on a computer, did not know how to put a DVD into a computer, knew nothing about email or the fact that it took him 30 minutes to type a few lines in word.
Exhibit B: What stunned me even more was he did not even know how to use a cell phone with speaker turned on. I almost fell off my chair laughing when his team mates were speaking on one end and the Guv was staring at the phone like it was a brick. I mean is he for real? To top it all, he openly asked what is a text message and admitted he did not know how to text and then fell asleep. Certainly a golden moment in reality TV history.
Exhibit C: The ability to turn any conversation into how he Was a fantastic governor. This guy never lets up! And why should he when he yields such unintentionally humorous results? In a matter of seconds — seconds! — He always goes from discussing the task to a list of all his amazing accomplishments as the Gov: Healthcare for children! Preschool for all! No raising taxes! Health care for seniors! The guy is a walking campaign ad. And yet I simply cannot get enough of him.
Exhibit D: My favorite quote "We're prematurely ejaculating. We need more foreplay". My second favorite quote was when it was revealed he would be getting on a plane “I don’t need a passport do I.” (Did he think he was getting a vacation in the Maldives? and then he got on the plane and went to sleep :) and finally on cooking for the celebrity-run diner challenge: "I didn't cook at all when I was governor. I was cooking up results for people."
Exhibit E: Every time Trump asks him who should be fired in his opinion, I am constantly amazed at how he keeps talking for 10 minutes and keeps beating around the bush and never actually answered the question. Guess this is the number one pre-requisite for politicians and he just proved it over and over again.
Exhibit F: The constant hand shaking. Looks like life for him is clearly one long campaign trail. Doesn’t matter if people recoil in horror or start yelling at him about how he should go to prison — he still wants to work the crowd. And I loved the way he viewed New York as one big vote base. It takes him approximately three hours to walk a single block as he goes and aggressively searches out everyone to say hi and kept swearing at his innocence. In television history, I have never seen anyone work a room, street, alley, elevator or storefront like our Blago did.
What else can I say.. When he was on the show, the celebrity apprentice was certainly entertainment at its best. I cannot get over the moments when he just walked around the street of New York and chatted up random people saying "Thank you, I appreciate it. I did nothing wrong" !!!!